A brown goshawk searches for prey from the vantage of a fence post.
A brown goshawk searches for prey from the vantage of a fence post. Photo: Ross Jones
The brown goshawk has adapted so well to suburban life that it sometimes chases small birds under verandas and into houses.
A medium sized raptor with piercing yellow eyes, this elegant bird has a tendency to become so intent on its prey that it pays no heed to its surroundings until the chase is over.
Known to the Noongar as gudjelan, it is as at home stalking small animals through the leaf litter of the forest floor as it is winging deftly between tangled branches in aerial pursuit of wrens and silver-eyes. On occasion it will even catch fish.
The brown goshawk has bright yellow eyes.
The brown goshawk has bright yellow eyes. Photo: Noel Davidson
In fact anything smaller than a rabbit is fair game for the goshawk – including the odd chicken – which has seen it persecuted in some farming regions.
When other birds detect the presence of a goshawk, smaller species scatter for cover, while larger birds such as crows and magpies harry it until it leaves the area.
Despite this, the brown goshawk thrives anywhere there is a bit of bushland to give it cover and is found not only throughout Australia but also in New Guinea and on some other Pacific islands.
Brown goshawks in WA's south-west have a more reddish tinge to their plumage than those elsewhere and often wander to the north of the state during winter.
They not only pair for life but also breed in the same area for many years.
Male goshawks are smaller than the females, and both parents build a nest of dry twigs lined with green leaves in a tall tree where the female lays two to four eggs.
The parents also aggressively defend their young.
The largest bird of prey that ever existed was New Zealand's enormous Haast's eagle.
With a wingspan of 2.6 to 3 m, they weighed up 15 kg and hunted New Zealand's more famous extinct bird, the giant moa.
The photographs in this article were generously provided by member of the Western Australian Birds Facebook group